Date(s) - 04/14/2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Amidst the Blessing of the Ancestors
Join Kohenet Taya Mâ Shere for an exploration into the rich world of ancestral connections as a source of healing and support in Jewish traditions. We’ll explore ways in which honoring ancestors can be an important, and empowering aspect of healing. We’ll consider ancestors of family lineage as well as ancestors of place, vocal and spiritual tradition.
Taya Mâ Shere plays passionately in realms of transformative ritual, embodied vocalization and ancestral healing. She is co-founder and Rav Kohenet of Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, and is on faculty at Starr King School for the Ministry, named the most progressive theological school in North America. Taya Mâ hosts the acclaimed Jewish Ancestral Healing podcast and offers online courses including Embodied Presence and Pleasure as Prayer. She is co-author of The Hebrew Priestess: Ancient and New Visions of Jewish Women’s Spiritual Leadership, the Liberate Your Seder Haggadeck, and the Divining Pleasure oracle. Taya Mâ’s Hebrew Goddess chant albums have been heralded as “cutting-edge mystic medicine music.” Her newest album, Makam Shekhina is pulsing Hebrew-Arabic prayer in cahoots with her beloved collaborator Shaykh Ibrahim Baba z”l, and their spiritual community. | @tayatransforms
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