Date(s) - 11/04/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Erin Maidan Paige is a Jewish religious leader in Waterloo, Iowa. But more importantly, she is Rivka’s niece. The Maidan family came to Iowa in 1949 after surviving the Holocaust and were sponsored by the local synagogue, Sons of Jacob. Erin would go on to become the first female acting Rabbi of Sons of Jacob in 2014.
She was educated at Brandeis University, and has lived in both Germany and Israel, making aliyah (becoming an Israeli citizen) in 2006. Erin also studied at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and did rabbinical studies at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, in Gush Etzion, Israel.
She is married to the artist, Chawne Paige, who is the curator of the largest Haitian Arts collection in the world. They are blessed with two sons, Shia, age 3, and baby Ezra, who just turned 1-year-old.
Erin is also a core member of the Cedar Valley Interfaith Council, and has done extensive teaching, outreach, youth education, programing, religious services, and diversity training all under the Interfaith banner. Erin believes Interfaith work is the key to peaceful coexistence, and teaches a variety of Interfaith classes with her Muslim and Christian sisters and brothers.
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