Date(s) - 10/06/2020
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Sukkot Under the Stars with special guest Miriam Shapiro
Member privilege
“The Great Love Story” – Teachings of the saintly Slonimer Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Noach Berezovsky (1911 – 2000), on the lofty sacredness of the holy days of Sukkot and Shmeini Atzeret – The Eighth Day of Assembly.
In the TAO tradition of celebrating Sukkot together, we invite you to join together virtually. Grab your favorite meal or fruits and share the time with Rabbi Marc and your TAO family as we join in learning and prayer in celebration of the Holiday of Sukkot. We will share in the mitzvah of the lulav and etrog, and we will offer prayers for the world, that there be balance and harmony on the entire planet.