Date(s) - 08/07/2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
For the August 7th Class: Facilitators – Cécile Dumornay, Wayne Rogers, Claudia Gill, Michael Alpert.
TAO Tikun Olam – New Social Action Involvement
“As we all know, TAO has been engaging in various projects, like AllFed, The Homeless Choir, and others, to contribute our efforts for Tikkun Olam (repair the world). These past years, our world has been experiencing a rise in serious social challenges with increased violence, increase discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, people of color. We, at TAO, as a Jewish community, cannot stand by and remain silent. Tikkun Olam is a fundamental mandate we have to engage in to participate in making a better world for all, and especially for the future generations. In that spirit, we recently decided on one more social project by joining with BOLD Justice, an organization a Broward County with several Christian congregations, working with authorities to improve access to better life conditions for various underserved populations, such as Nursing Homes residents, homeless people with mental health issues, individual who commit minor offenses, etc.
BOLD Justice’s mission is to powerfully address community issues in Broward County through a self-sustaining, interfaith, interracial, proactive organization rooted in religious congregations. BOLD Justice (Broward Organized Leaders Doing) Justice is a politically non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization composed of congregations from different racial/ethnic and religious backgrounds.
They are a direct-action organization that holds community leaders accountable to solve serious community problems that affect Broward County residents and local businesses. They have won victories related to Affordable Housing, Dental Care, Juvenile Arrests, Jobs, Unemployment, and Education. They are currently working on Senior Care, Mental Health, and Juvenile and Adult Arrests.