Date(s) - 08/27/2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Zoom link – please email the office at [email protected] for this week’s meeting ID and password.
Or view this event on Marc Labowitz’ Facebook page.
Tonight’s subject: Racism and Violence in America – what it means to each of us, and coming together in unity and understanding.
This monthly discussion group will rotate topics and review previous presentations regarding racism. Please contact Sherry Stern [email protected] 612 201-9835 or Renee Greene [email protected] should you wish to participate. We will look to understand Racism within ourselves to change and also within our TAO Community.
Tonight’s session will review the topic from Part 2 on Jews of Many Colors. You can attend this discussion even if you missed the panel presentation and wish to further your understanding of racism.
Dear TAO Community,
We want to continue to raise our consciousness concerning the lack of freedoms being experienced by the African American community and other people of color. Each month we will offer optional material to read or view before presentations or meetings occur to process the issues.
From White Privilege and Race in America
Optional Studies – From the Smithsonian Institute – National Museum of African American History and Culture
Why talking about race matters. Tools and guidance are offered to empower your journey.
· Historical Foundations of Race
Introduction: Race is a human-invented, shorthand term used to describe and categorize people into various social groups based on characteristics like skin color, physical features, and genetic heredity. Race, while not a valid biological concept, is a real social construction that gives or denies benefits and privileges. American society developed the notion of race early in its formation to justify its new economic system of capitalism, which depended on the institution of forced labor, especially the enslavement of African peoples. To more accurately understand how race and its counterpart, racism, are woven into the very fabric of American society, we must explore the history of how race, white privilege, and anti-blackness came to be.
· Whiteness -Since white people in America hold most of the political, institutional, and economic power, they receive advantages that nonwhite groups do not.
Video (22 minutes) – White Privilege and Constructing White Racial Identity talks about deconstructing white privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo.
· Being Anti-racist– To create an equal society, we must commit to making unbiased choices and being anti-racist in all aspects of our lives.
Video of author Ibram X. Kendi who wrote How To Be An Antiracist.
Thank you for considering joining us to raise your awareness about Racism and how to make a positive difference to eliminate it.
With kindness and appreciation,
Sherry Stern