Shabbos Afternoon Learning with Vicki Lichtman, music by Doug & Simm
Event start time: 2:00 PM | Event end time: 3:30 PM
08/21/2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Zoom link - please email the office at [email protected] for this week's meeting ID and password. Or view this event on Marc Labowitz' Facebook page. Rabbi Marc encourages each of us to discover and know our own Torah. With the High Holidays approaching, we are coming to a time when we look back over the [.
Women’s Spiritual Book Club
Event start time: 7:00 PM | Event end time: 8:30 PM
08/31/2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm -
Our intention is to explore spiritually, paragraph by paragraph, chapter by chapter, in a safe, supportive environment, Rabbi Shoni’s “Miraculous Living.”
Shabbos Afternoon Learning with Aliza Rothman, music by Jorge and Stephanie
Event start time: 2:00 PM | Event end time: 3:30 PM
09/04/2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - With Aliza Rothman (we know her as Arik Labowitz' wife) Elul Open Floor Dance The month of Elul is a time for reflection, introspection and returning in preparation for the high holy days. Join us as we return to ourselves-our bodies and the wisdom of our own movement and dance. Open Floor is a lively dance [...]

Shabbos Afternoon Learning with Vicki Lichtman, music by Doug & Simm
Event start time: 2:00 PM | Event end time: 3:30 PM
09/18/2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Zoom link - please email the office at [email protected] for this week's meeting ID and password. Or view this event on Marc Labowitz' Facebook page. 'The book is your heart still open? Will mindfulness be your path? Being present to all that is?' Rabbi Marc encourages each of us to discover a

Event start time: 7:00 PM | Event end time: 8:30 PM
09/20/2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Member privilege In the TAO tradition of celebrating Sukkot together, we invite you to join together virtually. Grab your favorite meal or fruits and share the time with Rabbi Marc and your TAO family as we join in learning and prayer in celebration of the Holiday of Sukkot. We will share in the mitzvah of [...]