Date(s) - 05/03/2023
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
TAO – Temple Adath Or – is a community of light. A Kabbalah-based community, TAO is led by Rabbi Marc Labowitz, a visionary leader bringing his warmth, wisdom and wit to us at weekly Kabbalah Wisdom Classes.
We are so happy that this week’s special guest is Miryam-Margo Wolfson.
About Miryam-Margo Wolfson
Miryam-Margo Wolfson is a rising Fourth Year Rabbinic student in the Aleph Ordination Program, who has recently moved to Delray Beach, Fla for half the year, and is in Rahway, NJ for the other months.
She draws inspiration from Torah, music, the healing power of davening, and the natural world.
Miryam is a long time Song Leader, and former Youth choir director in a NJ synagogue. She currently volunteers as a service leader in the Highland Park Minyan, Romemu’s Morning Minyan, and will be leading Holy Day Services this year for Congregation Kol AM in Freehold, New Jersey. One of her favorite things to do is to create Drashot (Commentary) in Song. Miryam-Margo also draws inspiration from Science, teaching Biology at a New Jersey Community College. Her writings can be found at this Sefaria Blog site Additional Drashot at Margo’s Meanings
Personal Gratitude: My pride and joy are my family, the loves of my life, three beautiful young-adult children; my husband Charles and my extended family. Gratitude to my Mashpiyah Dr. Sarah Cohen, and to my teachers and mentors in Aleph who have been my support and inspiration, including R’ Marcia Prager, R’ Shulamit Sapir, R’ Ruth Gan-Kagen. In addition my formative teacher Rabbi H. Weiner z”l, and my parents and grandparents upon whose shoulders I stand.