Date(s) - 06/05/2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This is how Reb Jack sent us his information: “Here’s a bio to attract fans, phone surfers, and Jewish Renewal Chevrah, in South Florida, and perhaps elsewhere, nationally and internationally.”
Reb Ya’acov Schechtman Gabriel is a long time fan and friend of TAO, and of her wonderful Rebbes, Marc and Phil Labowitz, shlit”a.
He is an award-winning music arranger/producer, and has released 8 recordings of his folk/reggae/Yiddish/and Jewish Americana music.
Reb Ya’acov is a musmach of the legendary Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, zt’l, and has spent time engaged with other great Masters of his time, including Donovan, Bob Marley, Jim Henson, Reb Dovid Zeller, zt’l, Debbie Friedman, z”l, John Prine, Joni Mitchell, Reb Dovid Cooper, zt’l, Moreinu Tirzah Firestone, shlit”a, and the gevaltigeh (awesome) Reb Shoni Labowitz, z”l.
In the 1980’s he devoted himself to rescuing Ethiopian Jewry, and to becoming a Jewish Renewal pulpit Rabbi, in NY, CA, NJ, CapeTown, The Big Island of Hawai’i, and all over Colorado.
He looks forward to celebrating his 75th Birthday with TAO, and to sharing “Songs and Stories of his Rebbe or Not” Life‘s Journey.