Date(s) - 05/26/2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Deepening into Naso: a Jewish Renewal Approach to K’lal Yisrael
We will unpack the deeper meaning of the word Naso, and how it applies to developing love and tolerance for all segments of the House of Israel.
Rabbi Charna Rosenholtz, MA is an accomplished teacher, specializing in Hebrew sacred texts and Torah wisdom. Ordained as a Rabbi by Aleph Ordination Program and as a Hebrew wisdom teacher (Maggid) by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, she also holds a Masters Degree in Religious Studies from Naropa University in Boulder, CO. She has mentored with medicine women, clergy, and master teachers in the development of human potential. Rabbi Charna is currently the Reb Zalman Scholar in Residence at Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder CO.
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