Date(s) - 06/24/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Zoom link – please email the office at [email protected] for this week’s meeting ID and password.
Rev. Joe Greemore has served First Baptist Church of Waterloo for the past six years. He delights in music, family, cycling, and service. Joe believes that interfaith work is at the core of our call not only to be good citizens in community with each other, but in order to worship fully and authentically the creator who calls us to faithfulness, love, and spiritual unity. Joe has worked with the American Baptist Churches USA in various capacities, from Music to Message to Mission over the past 20 years.

Erin Maidan Paige is a Jewish religious leader in Waterloo, Iowa. More importantly, she is Rivka’s niece. The Maidan family came to Iowa in 1949 after surviving the Holocaust and were sponsored by the local synagogue, Sons of Jacob. Erin would go on to become the first female Rabbi of Sons of Jacob in 2014. She is Brandeis educated and has lived in both Germany and Israel, making aliyah (becoming an Israeli citizen) in 2006. Erin also studied at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and did rabbinical studies at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, in the West Bank. She is married to the artist, Chawne Paige, who is the curator of the largest Haitian Arts collection in the world. They are blessed with two sons, Shia, age 3, and baby Ezra, who just turned 10 months. Erin is also an active member of the Cedar Valley Interfaith Council, and teaches a variety of Interfaith classes with her Muslim and Christian brothers and sisters.
Tickets: Members – free
Guests: $10.50 – purchase here.
To make an additional donation, or to donate more for this event, click here.
We welcome donations above the minimum to help support TAO’s ongoing services and projects during the quarantine. Consider an amount that speaks to your heart.
Please enter your email address correctly to ensure receipt of the event link.
We hope you will join for us for this fantastic and enjoyable night.